5 Historical Fonts you are still using today
Date: 4/1/2020, Author: G.P.We are all affected by fonts, either we know it or not. Authors and designers look for something beautiful and appealing to present their books, magazines or webpages and readers, well…, readers are readers. They just read. But readers depend (at least at one degree) on those authors, editors and graphic designers to make their reading life a little easier. And yes, sometimes they do, but sometimes they don’t.
Nevertheless, if you are a web developer and you don’t know in which category you fall in, you can always trust some classic fonts that are around for centuries (literally) and they have proven themselves to be easy to read.
Baskerville (1757) - Serif
John Baskerville created this font that It’s been around for more than 260 years. Readers still find that it has a positive influence on them, despite the fact that when it first appeared it was not received well by people.
Garamond (1530) - Serif
One of the oldest, Garamond appeared in France and it is still the most commonly used font in French literature. It is the work of Claude Garamont.
Bembo (1495) - Serif
Older than Garamond, Bembo is the work of Francesco Griffo and it was designed for the poetry book of Pietro Bembo.
Bodoni (1530) - Serif
Bodoni font was designed by the Italian printer Giambattista Bodoni who was an admirer of John Baskerville and the official typesetter of several Italian dukes
Frutiger(1974) – Sans Serif
Created by Adrian Frutiger it is the official font of many universities and of the Euro notes!
Of course, the list can go on and on. These fonts are great and there are much more out there. If you ask me, I think that the truth is that
There are no bad fonts, only bad designers…