Type your text & choose your font. Edit your font’s size, line-height, spacing, color and background. Create as many boxes as you like and download your free fonts.
Pair Fonts is a free tool for downloading free fonts and discovering new font combinations. The list of fonts is constantly updated. Tryout various fonts by creating unlimited boxes and assigning different font families. Edit the font size, color, alignment, spacing and line-height. You can also change the boxes background by assigning a random image. Finally, you can filter the fonts by their type classification or the supported languages.
Create as many test boxes as you want and type your own text.
Choose a different font for every box or create a new font combination automatically.
Edit the fonts size, color, alignment, letter spacing, line height or background
Download your free fonts by clicking on the "Download here" link that is created after choosing your font.
Save your creation as an image.
Tryout new ideas and uses for your fonts.
The font you choose for your website or project can have a significant impact on how it is perceived by your audience. It can affect readability, branding, and overall design. Here are some reasons why choosing the right font...
Read the articleIf you are a junior web designer then you are probably going to make mistakes in your effort to make your web pages stand out. Experience plays an important role in your decisions when it comes to selecting and using fonts in your websites...
Read the articleThe CSS font-size property is used to scale text in the desired size. There are four basic units that someone can use to accomplish that. Pixels, Points, REM & EM. Which one is better though? To answer this question let’s start with which is which...
Read the articlePair Fonts offers you a collection of archaic fonts from 3000 BC to the Middle Ages. This is a description of the fonts and a little history about where they come from. So, let’s begin...
Read the articleMovement font is the creation of Noel Pretorius and Maria Ramos, in collaboration with Andile Vellem. It is a font developed based on the movement of the human body and specifically, on the dance moves of Andile Vellem. A creative font needs a creative medium to be expressed. Dance is a form of art and its motions a way of expression. By tracking Andile’s movements, Movement font was created!...
Read the articleThe classic typographic scale is a method that refers to the way font sizes are progressing. Typography, from print media to the web, has always needed a way to present text in a consistent manner. Text should always be presentable and easy to read. So, that’s where typographic scales come into play. They offer us a system that allows us to use text harmonically. They actually resemble the way musical notes and musical scales are working...
Read the articleWe are all affected by fonts, either we know it or not. Authors and designers look for something beautiful and appealing to present their books, magazines or webpages and readers, well…, readers are readers. They just read. But readers depend (at least at one degree) on those authors, editors and graphic designers to make their reading life a little easier...
Read the articleTypography is the way we visualize words. It's not only that of course. It's much more. It is an art and a technique to not only make the words readable but also appealing to the reader. In the modern world, typography has the power to make a reader stay at your webpage or make him turn away. So, we must choose our fonts wisely...
Read the articleWe constantly try to make Pair Fonts better.
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